Edge computing notation & summary

Edge computing notation & sumary

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아래 내용은 Rajkumar Buyya, Satish Narayana Srirama 저서인 For and Edge Computing: Principles and Paradigms 책의 내용을 주로 다루고 있습니다.


IoT: Internet of Things

CIoT: Cloud-centric Internet of Things

FEC: Fog and Edge Computing

ETSI: European Telecommunications Standards Institute

MEC: Multi-access Edge Computing

Cloudlet: 클라우드의 분할된 형태(가상머신)

NFV: Network Function Virtualization

BTS: Base Transceiver Stations

Mist computing: Fog보다 디바이스에 가깝게 구성된 기법

CE: Containers Engine

ODP: On-demand Data Processing-

SDN: Software-Defined Network

QoS: Quality of Service

Network slice: 물리적인 네트워크를 소프트웨어로 가상분할 하는 것

C2T: Cloud to Thing

BBU: Base Band Unit

NAT: Network Address Translation

SFC: Service Function Chains

CRAN: Cloud Radio Access Network

FRAN: Fog Radio Access Netowrk

5G: 30~300 Ghz 대역


CIoT의 도전과제

BLURS: Bandwidth, Latency, Uninterrupted, Resource-constraint, Security

FEC(Fog and Edge Computing)의 장점

SCALE: Security, Cognition, Agility, Latency, Efficiency

FEC 장점을 달성하기 위한 요소

SCANC: Storage, Compute, Acceleration, Networking, Control

Management 도전과제

Discovery of edge nodes, Deployment of service and applications, Migrating services, Load balacing

Resource management 도전과제

Benchmarking, Provisioning, Discovery, Scaling, Migration

Networking 도전과제

User mobility, QoS in a dynamic environment, Achieving a service-centric model, Ensuring reliability and service mobility, Managing multiple administrative domains

융합된 C2F2T 성능

Energy consumption, Performance, Resource consumption, Costs, QoS, Security

Resource Usage

CPU usage, Memory, Netowrk bandwidth

Optimization 종류

data-related optimization, code-related optimization, task-related optimization

design-time optimization, deployment-time optimization, run-time optimization

포그시스템에서 Data management의 장점

Increasing efficiency, Increasing the level of privacy, Increasing data quality, Decreasing the end-toend latency, Increasing dependability, Decreasing cost

Fog data 라이프 사이클

Data acquisition, Lightweight Processing, Processing and Analysis, Sending Feedback, Command Execution

Data 특징들

Heterogeneity, Inaccuracy, Weak semantics, Velocity, Redundancy, Scalability, Inconsistency

데이터 전처리와 분석들

Data Cleaning(Declarative data cleaning, Model-based data cleaning), Data Fusion, Edge Mining

레이어별 아키텍쳐 구조의 내용


Iaas: Infrastructure as a service

PaaS: Platform as a service

SaaS: Software as a service

CaaS: Context as a service (Containers as a service도 있음)

XaaS: Anything as a service

EaaS: Edge as a service

NaaS: Network as a service


Virtical networking: TCP/UDP, HTTP, IETE, CoAP, XMPP, AMQP, MQTT

Horizontal networking: Bluetooth, ZigBee, Z-Wave


\[c: \text{cloud}\\ E: \text{set of edge resources}\\ D^e: \text{set of end devices connected to edge resources }e\in E\\ R: \text{set of all resources}\\ a(r): \text{compute capacity of resource } r \in R\\ s(r): \text{compute speed of resource }r \in R\\ w(r): \text{marginal energy consumption of resource }r \in R\\ L: \text{set of all links between resources}\\ t(l): \text{latency of link } l \in L\\ b(l): \text{bandwidth of link } l \in L\\ w(l): \text{marginal energy consumption of link } l \in L\]
